martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008

Waking life

Currently listening to Rocky Votolato's "She was Only in it for the Rain." I want to rape this song, it's that great to me. The melodic tune, the lyrics, the concept - pure bliss.

If I had any self-control, I would be studying for finals. But I just had a random thought I wanted to write about before losing it in oblivion, which I admit happens quite frequently. As with all else in life, it's never as meaningful the second time around. But jumping on the bandwagon, my thought for today is: What is a dream? I feel there is much more to dreams than the generic definition of "a series of images and thoughts experienced while in the REM stage of sleep" or some form of that.

Honestly, I think we have dreams and consciousness reversed. Consciousness is supposed to be the state in which we act towards the achievement of our wants and needs. We go to school, work, do this, do that to get ourselves closer to a goal. It supposedly represents reality and truth. To me, dreams are truth. Dreams show us what we truthfully want or don't want. They show us more about ourselves than anything, they show us what we would do, how we would live without external or internal restrictions. On the other hand, our conscious state of mind, our doubts, insecurities, prevent us from accomplishing what we really want to. It's not our unconscious dreams that constitute unrealistic hopes because everything is possible, but it's our conscious state of mind that inhibits them.

I say this because I had a dream last night that showed me more about myself than I wanted to know. It showed me the truth of a situation I am currently dealing with. That's the thing about dreams, they'll give you the cold, hard truth, nothing more, nothing less. After that, it's up to us to either act upon this new piece of knowledge or to let our consciousness screw it all up and tell us we can't do it.

Does this mean the only way to live is to remain in an eternally unconscious state of never wake up?
